Let's train using kettlebell!
A kettlebell is a type of weight that can be held by hand with a handle on the outside. It's very useful when doing CrossFit, and it's also easy to find in general gyms. In fact, kettlebells are practical, so many people have them at home.Pulley exercise to increase abs
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Kettlebell is a piece of fitness equipment that allows you to do strength training and cardio training at the same time. It also allows you to exercise by combining many muscle groups simultaneously. Today I'm going to elaborate on the benefits of this kettlebell and introduce some exercises that use kettlebell so we can follow along.
Benefits of using kettlebells
The main advantage of this exercise equipment is that people can train many muscle groups at the same time. In addition, along with the plan, you can do high-intensity cardio exercises that help burn calories and help you lose weight and strengthen your muscles.There is a very practical element. You can plan your own workout routine if you have 2-3 different kettlebell weights. You are Reading This Article on jafa-kash.com Using kettlebells in the gym provides an alternative way to supplement exercise for each muscle group.
Meanwhile, it is quite simple to use this exercise equipment. Although it requires specific skills to use, even beginners can use it for exercise without any problems.
5 exercises using kettlebell
1. Swing
Swing is the most common exercise. This exercise can strengthen your thighs, quadriceps, lumbar region, glutes, forearms, shoulders, and chest. In addition, the abdomen can be strengthened to strengthen the core.The swing exercise consists of standing in a position, spreading your feet as wide as your shoulders, stretching your arms straight and holding your weight in front of your hips. In this position, after passing the weight between the legs vigorously, You are Reading This Article on jafa-kash.com lift it above your head. In another version, known as the Russian Swing, the weight should only be lifted to shoulder height.
5 exercises using kettlebell
Keep your back straight and your arms straight throughout the entire process. Also, the weight should be supported by the fingertips and abdomen. And the glutes should contract.
When lowering the weight back to its original position, you must use propulsion to repeat the motion. To lift the weight, you need to stretch your hips, not use the power of your arms.
2. Deadweight
Like conventional dead weights, this exercise can also work out your glutes and back muscles. Deadweight requires standing and placing a kettlebell on the front floor.Bend your knees, tilt your chest back, and lean back toward your weight while keeping your back straight. From here, return to the original position with the weight in your hand. Keep your knees bent and don't forget to contract your glutes and abdomen.
3. Squat with kettlebell

3. Squat with kettlebell
4. Lunge and stride
In the case of lunges, you must hold the kettlebell in the same way you squat. Once again, the kettlebell should be held down and held close to the chest. It is desirable to bend the elbow and hold it at the height of the abdomen.Let's train with a kettlebell
Then, try to jump. To do this, one knee should be bent and one step forward. Place the other leg behind and bend until you reach the floor.
5. Chest Exercise with Kettlebell

Start exercising by stretching your arms straight up. Lower one of your arms toward your chest while turning your hands with your palms facing the other. Let's repeat each weight alternately.
There are also simpler chest exercises. You can do this by placing the weight on the floor with the handles facing up and doing a normal push-up here.
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