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I got water on my knees ... can I just drain it?

 If the water in the body is insufficient, various serious problems can occur. But water can also be a problem if it collects in certain areas. The representative site is the knee joint.

The knee joint is covered with a thin synovial membrane, which secretes a sticky fluid, synovial fluid. Synovial fluid moisturizes the inner surface of the joint to prevent joint friction. The problem arises when this synovial fluid is produced excessively. Inflammation from severe shock or degenerative changes in the knee causes the synovial fluid to be secreted more to protect the knee joints. Athletes have many of these symptoms, but they also appear soon to the general public.

Kim Jung-wook, director of the joint center of Gangseo Nauri Hospital, said, “Filling the knees is a sign of a problem with the joints.” "This diagnosis or infection may be the cause, so accurate diagnosis and treatment are essential."

If the swelling of the knee is not severe enough, you can improve by taking medicine or taking a break. However, when you sit with your knees stretched, your knees are swollen due to swelling. You have a fever and red swelling on your knees. You must go to the hospital and get a test.

People with swollen knees should pay attention to their usual lifestyle. Sitting and waking up frequently, squatting, sitting on the legs, etc. should be avoided because it puts a lot of pressure on the knee. In particular, when you go down the stairs, three times the weight of your weight is applied to your knees, so even if it takes time to grab the handle or take both feet on the stairs is recommended to come down.

Kim Jung-wook, manager of the joint center of Gangseo Nauri Hospital said,

“Soccers, basketball, and mountain climbing are burdensome on the knees. said.

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